MAGPI Members are a diverse group of research and educational institutions requiring reliable and fast network connections to regional, national and international network resources.

Member Portal Login
Use your member name & password to access your agreement and network reports as well as connect with support teams. Need to create an account? Contact Us
Our Members
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)
Temple Health System
The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Higher Education
Temple University
University of Pennsylvania
Ithaka, Princeton location
The Department of Energy’s ESnet (Energy Sciences Network) at PPPL (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
NOAA’s (National Oceanic & Atomspheric Administration) N-Wave Network at GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)
Resource Library
The resource library provide easy access to information about MAGPI’s network services, Internet2’s national network resources and other regional and international network resources.

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Internet2 Network Topology
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MAGPI Network Services
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Internet2 Net+
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Peering Services
PDF | 300k

MAGPI Transport Network
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MAGPI Membership
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Member Service Level Agreement
PDF | 300k

Celebrating 20 Years of Collaboration
Over the last 20 years, advancements in technology have driven many industry changes, and MAGPI, in collaboration with its members and partners, has grown and adapted to keep pace. “Now, as MAGPI celebrates its 20th anniversary, we will continue to embrace advancements in technology, and will never waiver in our commitment to support the needs of the research, education, and healthcare institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware,” says Peter Heverin, Director of MAGPI.

MAGPI Press Releases
Check out the latest MAGPI Press Releases, Events, and social media news and feeds.